Here’s How to Tell If a Filipina Likes You
Why does it feel like you could cut the tension with a knife?
Could it be that this beautiful Filipina has gone head over heels for you?
The thing is, when a Filipina likes you, it’s pretty obvious! Little gestures and small details in the way a Filipina acts, speaks, or listens can tell you if she’s into you or not.
As a Filipina, I will admit that I have dabbled with giving playful hints toward men at social gatherings before — some men get me right away, and some just don’t.
You may think that looking for cues is challenging and that reading between the lines is not your strong suit, but it’s not that hard.
But men will be men.
You would soon discover the secrets of the cosmos rather than knowing how a woman thinks and feels.
Luckily, certain signs or signals are clear as day as long as you pay attention to her and look for hints in her body language. Some of her actions might not be rational or reasonable, but they are what make her who she is.
The one who laughs out loud
Women love to laugh, but not more so than a Filipina who’s interested. Most women who are not from the Philippines tend to giggle or put a smile on while laughing on the inside, but not us.
We will burst out laughing as long as your jokes are funny, and I mean very funny. Otherwise, if you tell a corny joke, we will most likely just smile and slowly lose interest.
The one who slaps
Now that you got a Filipina laughing, be prepared to receive one big slap to the arm. Don’t worry; it won’t hurt much coming from her. I promise.
Moreover, if she’s hitting you, don’t take it the wrong way; chances are she’s only being affectionate towards you.
Ever had that irresistible urge or overwhelming feeling to squeeze or hit something cute? I know I do.
Filipinos have a word for that.
It’s called “gigil.”
Note: This could also mean the opposite and that she’s angry. But in this context, you just made her laugh. I know our language is confusing.
The one who teases
Filipinas flirt playfully.
Don’t take offense when we make fun of you or something that you do; it’s just our way of being intimate in public.
Ironically, we don’t respond well if you tease back. Flirting is okay, but if you say one word about our hair or makeup that you find funny, then paalam na (goodbye).
Just let us do all the teasing.
So, are you still interested in a Filipina? I know we aren’t the women you are used to.
Filipinas are known for being warm and friendly — it’s this uniqueness that usually captivates men into pursuing one.
If you still can’t tell if a Filipina likes you, you can always ask.
Most will be shy because of your straightforwardness, but they’ll be honest and tell you their feelings. However, don’t force her to tell you anything, especially if she avoids the topic or blatantly refuses to answer.
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